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Strategies to Address Security Risks in IoT Deployments

Strategies to Address Security Risks in IoT Deployments

 What is the number one mistake organizations make when deploying to the Industrial Internet of Things?

In a word, thinking of security as purely a technological issue when it isn’t. It is a strategic business decision. And should be a top priority. Not an afterthought. A single failed device can impact your business’ operational productivity and efficiency, financial stability, and reputation.

Read “Strategies to Address Security Risks in IIOT Deployments” on how Allied Telesis can design a robust IIoT security program that boosts the ROI of your IIoT investment.

#security #IIoT

Strategies to Address Security Risks in IoT Deployments

Strategies to Address Security Risks in IoT Deployments

 What is the number one mistake organizations make when deploying to the Industrial Internet of Things?

In a word, thinking of security as purely a technological issue when it isn’t. It is a strategic business decision. And should be a top priority. Not an afterthought. A single failed device can impact your business’ operational productivity and efficiency, financial stability, and reputation.

Read “Strategies to Address Security Risks in IIOT Deployments” on how Allied Telesis can design a robust IIoT security program that boosts the ROI of your IIoT investment.

#security #IIoT

The Hybrid Workplace Powered by Aruba ESP

The Hybrid Workplace Powered by Aruba ESP

Your hybrid workplace—powered by @Aruba ESP. This video, brought to you by C Squared Networks, shows that Aruba ESP helps set up your hybrid workplace with plug-and-play Aruba access points, central cloud-based management, and location services in your brick-and-mortar workspace.

Unlock Business Possibilities with Verizon 5G

Unlock Business Possibilities with Verizon 5G

Unlock business possibilities with #Verizon 5G. Faster speeds, reduced latency, and higher capacity stand to revolutionize industry. Verizon offers different types of 5G services to suit individual business needs, including 5G Ultra Wideband, 5G Nationwide, and 5G edge. Check out this video, brought to you by C Squared Networks.

MT12 – Cloud-Managed Indoor Water Leak Detection Sensor

MT12 – Cloud-Managed Indoor Water Leak Detection Sensor

This datasheet offers a brief overview of the Cisco Meraki MT12 sensor and its use in continuously monitoring the environment. It also lists the product highlights and technical specifications—plus, it contains a link to further information. For more information about...